Cape Lookout, NC, Summer 2021

A trip to Cape Lookout, North Carolina, Summer of 2021. If you love sand, wind, no-see-ums, and rain, this place is for you. And if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes. And yet, I loved this trip and would do this again.

A few words of advice: the wind on the beach is no joke, and if you think you can set up that tent by yourself, think again. Get them nice and grippy screw-in tent anchors. Bring some extra guy-lines and tensioners. I'd also grab some deadman sand anchors.

When it's not windy, it's raining, so make sure you got a poncho, keep your tent flaps zipped up, and have some extra tarps. And when it stops raining, that's when the bugs come it. A head net mesh came in very useful.

The deet spray doesn't do much again the flies and the no-see-ums. So, again, keep the tent zipped up, bring some jeans and long-sleeve shirts. Besides that, there is nothing else you can do but hunker down by the fire and hope the wind returns.

Igor Os

I’m a computer engineer, musician, cyclist dabbling in photography. I’m not trying to sell you anything. All photos are my own.

Promised Land, PA, Summer 2021


Ohiopyle Park, PA, Spring 2021