Louvre: the Assyrian Collection

Here’s an OpenAI summary “for a second-grader” of the official Louvre exhibit description, for those of us too lazy to read (or write). I don’t know about you, but I find this entirely sufficient.

In ancient times, the land that is now Iraq was part of a powerful empire called the Assyrian Empire. The king of that empire had a new capital built near Mosul. But after the king died, the city lost its status as a capital. The ruins of that city were not discovered until French archaeologists dug them up in the 19th century. The ruins are now in a museum in Paris. And this discovery created a new type of archaeology called Near Eastern archaeology.

Igor Os

I’m a computer engineer, musician, cyclist dabbling in photography. I’m not trying to sell you anything. All photos are my own.


Louvre Sculptures & Statues


Paris, Fall 2017