London, Fall 2017

A few photos I took during my business trip to London in 2017.

Lots of bars and restaurants, but pricey and few are good. Good beer is hard to find. It took me three days to find a pub that served a decent selection of Belgian ales. I would park myself there every evening.

Public transportation is very convenient. Use subway whenever possible as traffic is epic. In touristy areas, get off the subway a stop before or after your destination to save yourself much pushing and shoving. Otherwise, the stops are so close you will barely notice the extra walk.

There are many things to photograph, but dreary weather and featureless sky make for humdrum shots and require patience or creative post-processing. Locals are generally polite and helpful, but one can spot hints of tourist fatigue unsurprisingly.

Igor Os

I’m a computer engineer, musician, cyclist dabbling in photography. I’m not trying to sell you anything. All photos are my own.

Paris, Fall 2017


Manhattan, April 2016